Saturday, June 11, 2011


While talking to a few students... I came up with a few ideas to kill the summer boredom that has already begun to seep in what should be a joyous time! Here are a few of mine - please add your own!

Make your own list for the summer and check them off as you go!

1. play four square

2. go for a long walk in a shaded park or to a friend’s house

3. GO on A HIKE!

4. make a new recipe

5. play with a dog,

6. build something out of legos

7. garden

8. learn a new skill from your expert mother like making plum jelly (which is my fav:)

9. sew a blanket

10. design a craft project

11. paint your shoes

12. Create holiday decorations

13. learn to weave a basket - which I have done and it is super fun

14. run through the sprinklers

15. put a sprinkler under or over a tramp and slide!

16. create a slip and slid out of a tarp and a fun hill

17. build something out of wood

18. Learn to stencil – it is such a cool, lost art!

19. Learn a new language – even if it is just “hi!” and “I love you!”

20. make your own concrete - also fun

21. create a small village in the forest or yard for the small people you know exist but have never actually seen

22. complete with a castle and dam make out of aforementioned concrete

23. make your own paper - super cool out of old newspaper

24. Watch a cultural movie – Bollywood counts too J

25. Watch your mom’s favorite old movie – find some black and whites

26. Start your own recipe box and steal all those amazing recipes from your mom now! It saves a lot of time on the phone in college.

27. Make a watering jug out of an old milk carton for you box garden

28. plant your favorite vegetables and then find some sweet new recipes

29. Paper Mache… ‘nuff said!

30. Masks!

31. Learn how to sew from the crazy lady down the street

32. Movie marathon complete with themed food an art project and accents

33. make a collection of awesome quotes you like complete with art

34. make smoothies or popsicles!

35. put together a new collage

36. Make me, or yourself, a cool new lampshade

37. frame pictures

38. Start writing the book you’ve always wanted to

39. Shadow some working people to get an idea of what you want to do in college

40. design your future house

41. Read a good book you have always wanted to

42. Make your own stationary… don’t all mom’s have their supply of stamps and colored paper?

43. plan a theme party with some friends and be super creative... themed around ... waffles or lumberjacks...

44. draw something powerful and meaningful for someone you love

45. Make a bird house out of a juice carton

46. BONFIRE! With s’mores or apple crisp

47. read up on current events and compare different news stations’ stories

48. Bike ride!

49. dye egg shells and make a collage out of the pretty colors

50. ooh! cement - add different shapes and colors of rocks to make a cool story! Mosaics!

51. Trimming trees – I think I should have been an arborist in another life…

52. sidewalk chalk!

53. Mud scultures – get messy!

54. everything is better with sidewalk chalk - go tagging secretly to your friends houses and leave awesome messages!

55. build an irrigation system using... PHYSICS!

56. Use the EDP to solve the world's problems - or just your own

57. make new wall art by putting together quotes and pictures to help you fulfill one of your summer goals - see today's blog post (10-week Growth Spurt)

58. Make your own jewelry – BEADS!

59. Make your own playdough

60. Throw a fiesta complete with your own paper mache piƱata, homemade guacamole, tacos, and watch the three amigos!

61. Learn to make homemade candy including caramels and taffy and then call me!

62. Spy on the raccoon that visits your yard periodically (I <3 Ally Melendez!)

63. Do yoga

64. Train a new pet or teach an old dog new tricks – it can be done. And they will love you

65. Make and send postcards

66. MAKE A FORT!!!!!!!!

67. Learn first aid and CPR – it can always come in handy

68. Write a song

69. Create a dance video/choreograph a song with your friends

70. Learn origami

71. Play with your old barbies or action figures

72. Feed the ducks in the park

73. Write your autobiography up ‘til now... then add to it

74. Create a new music mix for a special occasion – party, summer driving, get out of a funk, etc.

75. Learn about aromatherapy or reflexology – try mixing scents

76. Plan a surprise birthday party for your little sister – she would love it!

77. Iron chef competition

78. Meal under 5 dollars – good double date or group activity. Each team gets 5 dollars to buy ingredients for a meal – go home and cook!

79. Night games – ghost in the graveyard, capture the flag etc.

80. Games in the park – red rover, kick the can, hopscotch etc.

Service projects:

81. Clean up the neighborhood park

82. Knit baby caps

83. Bake cookies for a friend who needs some love…

84. Babysit for some cute kids whose Mom needs a break

85. Color books for humanitarian aid (ask me if you want some:)

86. Tie quilts

87. Volunteer at the library to read to children

88. Visit an old folks home

89. Paint an old lady’s nails

90. Talk to an old person about life 50 years ago

91. Play cards with the widow next door (memories…)

92. Volunteer at the soup kitchen

93. Help with an eagle scout’s project

94. Clean your house – your mom will love you!

95. Make dinner

96. Volunteer/mentor (

97. Bake or Yard sale

98. Make those string bracelets for someone who would love it!

99. Wash the cars - bc its utah and it always needs to be done

100. Make a stuffed animal or doll out of scrap fabric with button eyes and give/donate it to someone – I made one for my baby brother and he carried it around for years

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