Monday, December 26, 2011

Purpose in Life

Sometimes I wonder about the purpose of life. I think our culture has a way of putting a blanket over it all with the simple heaven/hell type answer but really, why am I here right now in this place? What am I suppose to be doing? Learning? Seeing? Understanding? How am I suppose to be changing and growing, adapting and influencing?
In my viewpoint, I think there are two overarching principles to the purpose of life. The first, is to become the person we have the capacity to become. Am I the person today that I want to be when I die? Am I the person today that I know I can be? Am I the person I am suppose to be? Growing in this area involves changing our behavior and characteristics by increasing our knowledge, wisdom, attitude, and self-awareness. It is about living our principles. That is true integrity: when we are the person we preach to be.

The second part of our purpose in life is use the person we are to help others attain their potential. We have a great power to impact people. Not necessarily to drastically change their lives but by the gentle influences we have as role models, examples, family, and friends, to guide and assist them. It is those people in our lives that make the internal change not necessarily possible but flowing more smoothly, in a surer path. We, each one carve a path in life, but, if we have another groove to follow, it is much easier. By using others' their life experiences to model our personal attributes after, we can grow and develop at a faster rate, thus perpetuating the cycle of development.

With this perspective, we all need to ask ourselves, what do I need to work on? At some points it will be time for an emphasis on personal growth, at other times, we need to focus on our impact on others. We can't get comfortable or cocky in just one way - we must switch back and forth, growing in each way. Thoughts...?


  1. I just had a long... conversation with my dad about how to help people grow. I'm curious, what do you think helps people to grow? How can we help them? What types of attitudes or interactions do we need to have to help others progress?

  2. I like this. It somewhat answers the question I texted you the other day.
